Septekon For PC Download Free For Windows 8/10/11 & Mac

Septekon For PC is a powerful app which adds CCTV devices to it and relays them at remote locations. This Septekon For PC is an Android application. It is designed by Septekon company. It is a CCTV company with all the latest products and accessories.

The Septekon For PC application file is described in this article. You will find the features and characteristics of this file here. You will also get the complete installation part.

The installation for Android is demonstrated here in complete detail. You will find the images and expressions at every point. 

The installation for Windows and Mac is a bit tricky. This Septekon For PC software is an Android app. The Android application can’t install on any other operating system. It is only possible with the help of an Android Emulator

We will use here BlueStacks Android Emulator to install this file on Windows OS. You will get the full illustration in the below section. 

The download button for this application is given in the post. You can press the file and get it downloaded. The function and characteristic column will help you operate the software at its optimal capacity.

camera image for septekon 27

How To Operate A CCTV Monitoring App? 

When we go to use CCTV software, the first step is to connect them with CCTV devices. For that, we either add by applying the IP address or scanning the QR code

When a device is connected to the file, we open it to watch the activities at sites. This CCTV software gives us remote access to our locations. We can handle our devices and people from remote areas.

We can send orders, convey messages and listen to people on the device side. The CCTV monitoring app is equipped with sensors. It sends signals and messages to you sensing any threat and dubious activity

You get a live relay of the events. So you are always connected to your place from anywhere. It increases your productivity and mental peace as you don’t have to worry about missing actions. You are getting live feeds and connected with your workstation or home. 

app image on play store 25

What Is Septekon For PC Software?

It is an application which is designed to monitor CCTV cameras. It gives you access to those gadgets from anywhere. You can get them and connect with your people and pets from any place.

This software is designed by Septekon Company. This organization was established in 1991. It is a CCTV company with the latest products. It also deals in accessories. The vision of the company is to make every home a smart home. That is it also deals in many lighting products for smart homes.

This application gives its users the command to operate devices from far-flung areas. You can check the recording and click pictures from your place. It is a great product with powerful features.

Features & Functions Of Septekon For PC

You will get here the advantages of this application. These are some of the attributes which are more used in day-to-day operation. They make your vigilance compact.

logo of the image 26 6
  • There is no time lag between event capturing and transmitting. You get them in real-time. 
  • It connects IP cameras of Septekon from any place
  • The sensors used in this product give you an alert on any abnormal intrusion. 
  • It senses motion and audio and accordingly sends you signals
  • The two-way audio helps in speaking, listening and viewing
  • You can function the device from your remote area
  • You can zoom it, pass any message or instruction and alert them to any threat
  • You can check recordings and take snaps from your place
  • It adds devices by scanning the QR Code. you can manually add also by furnishing the information of IP address, port number, username and password
  • It supports PTZ devices

Install, Log In & Add The Device To Monitor Septekon For Android OS 

Now, you have to install Septekon For PC Android app on your Android device. For that, we need to have the setup application file. You can get it by clicking the download button given below. When you click it, you get the software on the play store.

Click the button and start loading the file.

Download For Android

Step-1 Install Septekon For PC App On Android Device

When we open the setup file, this page appears. it is the first page of the app.

image of theapp on google play store 1

There is an Install tab given on the window. Press the tab. The moment we press it, the application begins to load.

app is loading on Android device 2 1

It finishes the loading process in a few minutes. After that, we receive a notification that the file is successfully loaded.

installation is completed 3 3

The app was installed successfully. We get this message from the setup file. This way step 1 is over. The installation process is finished.

We will go to the next step. It is about Logging in to the app.

Step-2 Log In To The File

When we go to log in to the application file, we have to open the just installed software. When we open it, the following page appears.

log in page 4 6

It is the log-in page. You have to put in the username and password for that. If you are using this app for the first time, then you have to register the username and password. Then after that, you will go for logging in to the file.

Click the signup button given in the right-hand corner above.

This page will open.

sign up page for registering mail id and password 5

It is the signup page. Mention a mail id as a username and create a password. After that press the next button.

You will rach at the log-in window.

sign in to the app 6 1

Furnish the details here and press the sign-in button. You will be signed in now.

Step 2 is over. We will go for Adding the device in the next step.

Step-3 Adding the Device & Monitoring

Open the software and log in. This page will emerge.

add the device 7 4

It is mentioned on the page to add the device. A symbol “+” is also given. Click it to add the device. It will take you to the next window.

device list opens 8

Here, you will find a list given. These are the devices present in the range. Select your device.

It will begin to connect by scanning it. You can also manually connect.

scan the QR Code 9

App isscanning the QR code.

After the addition, devices will appear on the screen.

connected cam appeard on Android device 10

This way you find the device on the display screen of your Android device.

The installation, login and device addition process is over.

Install, Log In & Add The Device To Monitor Septekon For Windows OS 

To install this Septekon For PC file on Windows OS is simply not possible. It is an Android app. An Android file can’t run on any other operating system. We have to take the support of Android Emulator for installing it on Windows PC.

We are going to use BlueStacks Android Emulator in our case.

Install Android Emulator On Windows OS

The download button is given to load the BlueStacks file. The file is available in 32 bits and 64 bits. Select them as per the configuration of the system.

It is given in a zipped file. Extricate the file to load and install on Windows PC.

Download Bluestacks 32 bit

After the installation of the file, open the BlueStacks play store and search Septekon For PC software.

Download Bluestack 64 bit

Step-1 Install Septekon File On Windows OS

Open the BlueStacks play store and look for this file.

app image on BlueStacks play store 1

This page appears. Press the install tab. The file will begin to download.

It is loading here.

Setekon app is installing 2

When it will finish installing the app, you will get a new window mentioning that the installation is finished.

app is installed successfully 3 4

This window tells that the app is loaded. The installation part is over.

Step-2 Log In To The File

Open the installed file. This page will appear.

log in page for the file 4

It is a log-in page. Since you are using the app for the first time, go for signup.

sign up for the app file 5

You have to register a mail id. It will send a verification code on that mail id. This way your mail will be registered.

Then the next window will ask you to create a password.

sign in to the app 6 2

Log in with the mail id and password. You will be able to log in to the file.

Step-3 Add The Device & Monitor

To add the device, log in to the application. You will get this page.

add the device page 7 1

Press ‘add device’ or the “+” symbol. it is given for adding the device.

It will guide you to the next step.

select your device type to add the cam 8

The list of devices will appear. Select your device and go to scan it.

app will scan and connect 9

The scanning button is given on the top right-hand corner. The app is scanning the device.

cameras will show up and monitor them 10

The device connects and cameras appear on the screen. This way you can add multiple cameras.


You have seen here the complete downloading, installation, logging, and device addition of Septekon For PC software. The characteristics are also defined to get the maximum benefit from it.

If you have issues in handling this app, please share your hindrances with us in the comment box. We will hit back to you with solutions.

Thank You.

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