In this post, we are going to mention Victure Home For PC. It is a CCTV app that shows you many devices from remote locations. It gives you the authority to monitor various locations from different places. It gives you mental peace and control.
This Victure home For PC can connect many devices and gives you access to them from your location. It’s a powerful app that can speak, listen and hear. It can also give you alert messages and trigger alarms whenever it senses anything suspicious.

We will discuss here the complete installation process for Android OS. We have detailed the installation and monitoring process with comments and images. It makes the comprehension process easier for our users.
We will also discuss here installation process of the Victure Home For PC app on Windows and Mac. The app is not available for Windows and Mac, because it is an Android App.
But, we will install it on Windows & Mac with the help of Android Emulator. There are many Android Emulator apps available. We are using the here demonstration and mounting process BlueStacks app.
Know About Victure Home For PC App

Victure Home Is a very renowned app. It can connect more than 20 devices at a time and show them at many different locations simultaneously. This app is designed and manufactured by Victure organization. This organization was instituted in 2018. The enterprise deals in CCTV products and accessories.
The enterprise deals in CCTV products and accessories.
The company has all the latest products, IP cameras, HD cameras and many kinds of CCTV accessories. Victure Home app is the brainchild of this company.
This app shows us videos in real-time and records them. We can access those recordings from anywhere. This powerful app empowers its users by equipping them to operate CCTV devices from their remote locations.
Features & Functions Of Victure Application
This app has many top features. They are powerful enough to give their users the best security and safety. it is good to understand these features and functions in detail. The better we know about the advantages of the product, the better we can handle that product.

- This app receives and releases the data in real-time. there is no time lag between receiving and relaying.
- It allows you to access the device from your place.
- You can zoom in, communicate and instruct from a remote area.
- It supports the two-way audio.
- You can communicate with any person who is on the other end of the device.
- This feature is also very useful as it allows you to horrify any suspect by yelling at them.
- This product is very powerful in sensing objects.
- It easily detects motion and sound.
- Whenever anything suspicious appears, it alerts you by triggering alarms and pushing messages.
- The product is designed in such a way that it performs effectively even in low networking areas.
- The product can take images, record and playback them.
- We can access the recording and watch them as per our will.
These are some of its top-class features. We can use them to manage the device in a better fashion.
Install Victure Home For Android OS
Install this application on an Android device, for that, we have to click the link button. We can also get this application file on Google Play Store. Search it and install it.
Download For AndroidWe will show you here the installation of picture files on Android OS smartphones. We will also guide you to the login process and device addition process. They are explained with images. The user can easily understand the process and do it themselves.
Install Victure Home For Windows OS
To download and install Victure Home for Windows. app on Windows OS, we have to take the help of Android Emulator. This app is not given for Windows OS. First, we download BlueStacks on Windows OS, and then with the help of it, we download and install Victure File.
Download Bluestacks 64 bitYou will find here the full downloading, installation, login, and device addition process step by step. Every step and every point is explained with images. It is given here in 3 steps.
The first step is about installing the file. The second step deals with logging into the app. In the third step, you will see the device addition and monitoring. All these processes are done on BlueStacks operating system.
Install Victure Home For Mac OS
Install the Victure file on Mac OS. We will first install BlueStacks on Mac OS. This Android Emulator is given for Mac. After that, we will follow the same process we have done for Windows OS.
For Windows, the installation process, login process, device addition, and monitoring process are given. We will take a hint from there and do it similarly for Mac OS.
Install, Log In & Add The Device For Android OS
Here, we are going to guide you regarding the 3 steps of installation. signing in and device addition. These steps are illustrated here. Let’s begin the journey.
Step-1 Install The Venture File
To install the file on the Android smartphone, you have to go to the google play store. Search for the Victure file. The following window will open.

Click the Install button. It will begin to load the content. It will be downloaded and installed in no time.

The content is being downloaded and installed. When it is fully loaded all the files, the app will send a notification.

This way the installation of the Victure Home file is complete.
Now we will go to the second step of the process. We will Lig in the app file.
Step-2 Log In to The App
We have to open the installed app to log in to the application file. It is given here with a full explanation. Open the Victure icon. The following window will welcome you.

Here, press the sign-up button. If we are using this app for the first time then we have to generate the Id and the password. The following window will appear and ask you to create a unique password.

Create the password and press the signup button. You are logged in now.
Step-3 Add The Device & Monitor
After the signing-up stage, we reach the following page. Here, we will learn to add the device and monitor CCTV cameras.

Press the Add Camera + sign. The following function will proceed with adding the device.

The app is pairing the device. This stage happens after you go for scanning the QR Code. Scanning and pairing are simultaneous processes.
This way the device is added and the camera appear on the screen.

The device appears on the screen. This way, we get the monitoring going for Android OS smartphones.
Install Victure Home For Windows, Login & Add The Device For Monitoring
A Victure app is Android software. To load and install it on a PC, we have to upload BlueStacks Android Emulator on Windows OS. After installing the BlueStacks emulator, we open the play store and search Victure app.
Step-1 Install Victure Software On Windows With The Help Of BlueStacks
To install the file, we first open the homepage of the BlueStacks. There we go to search for the app on the play store.

Open the play store and search the Victure home file.

Click the install button. The app will begin to install.

The file is loading. When it finishes, another window pops up and shows that the installation process is complete.

This way step one is complete. In the second step, the Victure file asks us to log in to the app.
Step-2 Log In to The App
For that, we open the application file. This page opens first. It is about the terms and conditions. Read them carefully and press the understood button.

This page appears on the screen.

Here, you will find two options. The first is for sign in and the other one is for sign-up. When you are using the app for the very first time, you will sign up. In signing up you have to create the Id and the Password.
When you have created an Id and the Password, you will sign in the next time.

You will create the password here. After that press the signup button. You will be logged in.

It is the homepage. The app is asking to add the device. It is our next step.
Step-3 Add The Device & Monitor Cameras
The homepage is asking to add the device. Press the “Add Camera+” button.

The camera list will open to add. Click the device which you want to add. You can add one device at a time. After clicking on the device it adds the gadget.

When the device is connected, you can view them on the monitor.

The process is illustrated above for installing, logging in and adding the device for monitoring.
This way it will be installed on a Windows OS with the support of BlueStacks. We hope that every step is clear for the user clients.
The software Victure Home For PC is illustrated and detailed for the users. The advantages, features, operating style, and installation have all been expressed with images.
You will find the step-by-step process. No step has been skipped. The Android app is also installed and demonstrated for Windows. The Android Emulator made it possible. You can get the link button and procedure.
Please share your responses and opinion with us in the comment section. If you find any problem in loading and running this file, let us know. We will carve out a solution for your queries.
Thank You.